A child's health largely depends on how much he knows about what to do in order not to get sick. Teach your child to take care of their health. This will help him in his future independent life.

Step 1
Teach your child to practice good personal hygiene from a very young age. He must know and not violate important rules that before eating and after using the toilet, you need to wash your hands, comb your hair in the morning, brush your teeth twice a day, and change your underwear every day. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of boys, they are less careful and often poorly monitor the cleanliness of their hands and clothes. Explain to your child that timely hand and body washing reduces the risk of contracting various infections transmitted through contact.
Step 2
Teach your child to exercise. Start with it every morning - do the exercises together, it will energize both you and the child. Then the child will get used to it and will do the exercises himself. Exercising helps to awaken the body and the immune system: all the protective functions of the body begin to work in an active mode. This means that the child's chances of getting sick are reduced.
Step 3
In addition to daily exercise, it is useful to carry out hardening procedures. You can start hardening with morning body wipes with a towel soaked in cold water, or with a contrast shower. Hardening procedures strengthen the immune system, which means that the child will be healthy.
Step 4
Sport affects physical development and health. If your child is drawn to sports - this is great, feel free to enroll him in the sports section, where he will physically develop and strengthen his health. If the child is not willing to go in for sports, but prefers to read or play a musical instrument, do not force him. Just make sure that he walks in the fresh air for a sufficient amount of time every day: then he can frolic, run, throw out energy.
Step 5
To teach a child to be healthy, instill in him the right attitude towards himself, towards life and towards people. Dissatisfied with everything, a pessimistic person, suffering from complexes and not trusting people, is unlikely to be healthy and happy. But good mood, sincere ringing laughter, enjoyment of life and communication with friends have a very good effect on health.