How Often Does A Baby Get Up At Night?

How Often Does A Baby Get Up At Night?
How Often Does A Baby Get Up At Night?

The sleep of a newborn is one of the important indicators of his well-being and health. Many mothers dream that their baby would always fall asleep quickly and without problems, sleep peacefully throughout the night, and wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning. However, this is not always the case.

How often does a baby get up at night?
How often does a baby get up at night?

The rate of night sleep of a nursing baby

In the first few weeks of his life, the baby sleeps about 19 hours a day, waking up only for feeding. By three months, the baby's sleep will be reduced to 15 hours. At first, it is usually interrupted every 2-3 hours, which is considered the norm. As the baby develops physically, he will strive to learn more in a day. He will get tired of his curiosity and, as a result, his night sleep will become much stronger. By six to seven months for feeding and changing, your baby will only wake you up once. Sleep continuity at this age is about 3-4 hours.

By nine months, the baby will sleep much less during the day than at night. On average, a night's sleep will last 9 hours. During this period, parents are waiting for another test that can affect the duration of sleep - the eruption of the first teeth. By one year, the night's sleep will be more than 10 hours, with one feeding break. At this age, you can already gradually begin to wean the baby from the night meal, especially if you want to sleep until morning without waking up.

In the period from 3 to 6 months, establish a clear mode of night and day sleep of the baby, and try to stick to it, regardless of the circumstances.

How to help your baby sleep better

There are many reasons why a nursing baby may have trouble sleeping. Hunger and pain are the most common of these. During prenight feeding, do not rush to wean from the baby, even after he has fallen asleep. Wait at least 10-15 minutes. Evening feeding with vegetable puree will help to cope with the cause of hunger, but only if the baby is already more than four months old.

Babies experience pain, as a rule, due to intestinal colic or teething. The first will help to cope with a decoction of fennel or dill, as well as medications. Before using them, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. Pain during teething can be relieved by drugs such as calgel, desitin. However, pain relievers should not be overused. Leave them for a night's sleep, in the daytime you can get by with a banal teether with a cooling effect.

Unnecessary associations should be avoided - baby's sleep should not depend on motion sickness or feeding. Put the child to bed before he falls asleep and let him indulge in Morpheus on his own.

During weaning, the baby subconsciously feels how the mother is moving away from him. Because of this, he will often wake up at night, require feeding and motion sickness. Try to spend time with your child more often during the day: hug him, kiss him, play. In this case, he will feel your concern and less bother at night. To feel the presence of your mother nearby, you can put her clothes in the crib. Mom's scent will soothe your baby while sleeping.
