How To Wean A Child From Using Foul Language

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How To Wean A Child From Using Foul Language
How To Wean A Child From Using Foul Language

Video: How To Wean A Child From Using Foul Language

Video: How To Wean A Child From Using Foul Language
Video: Here's What To Do When Your Child Swears 2024, October

Many parents are faced with the situation when their small, innocent child adds a strong word to his speech. Fortunately, the child can again be guided on the right path.

How to wean a child from using foul language
How to wean a child from using foul language


Step 1

If obscene expressions are the norm in a child's family, then first of all, parents will have to start with themselves, as long as at least one family member speaks obscenely, all attempts to wean the child from bad words will come to naught.

Step 2

Some children try to attract attention with the help of mats, in which case provocations should be ignored. The child will soon understand that this no longer affects you and the need to express will disappear by itself.

Step 3

If a child has spoken badly in public, do not scold or punish him in front of everyone. An outright aggressive prohibition usually provokes a backlash. Remarks and lectures are given in private. Shame the child, tell him how ugly and stupid it looked and that strangers may think badly of him.

Step 4

You can take the child in your arms, shaking and stroking, explain to him how much it upsets you and how painful it is for you to become, when the baby expresses himself, you try to raise him as a good kind child, give him love and care, and he pays you with such disorders.

Step 5

Tell your child that due to the use of bad words, you cannot yet take him with you to public places, so you will have to cancel the planned trip to a visit, a cinema, a zoo, and so on.

Step 6

Let your child know that if he doesn't stop using bad words, other people will turn away from him. It is unpleasant to communicate with such a person, he does not cause either respect or trust, he is not taken seriously.

Step 7

When it comes to a teenage child, explain that swearing is not fashionable for a long time. You can give an example of successful, famous people who have achieved a lot in life, they are always distinguished by correct speech and good manners, and swearing speech is the lot of drunkards, drug addicts and losers.

Step 8

Severe punishment should be applied as a last resort. If a child has deliberately crossed all the boundaries of what is permissible, perhaps he offended someone with bad words, then nothing else remains, be sure to explain what he is being punished for.
