It is possible to accustom a child to a broom and a steam room from an early age. However, bath procedures will be beneficial only if parents follow important rules.

Only healthy children should be taken to the bathhouse and only after consulting a pediatrician. For children under six months, bathing procedures are a complete taboo! The baby's body may simply not cope with the increased load on the cardiovascular system. It is better to start the bathing ritual with the sauna: due to the low humidity, high temperatures are tolerated in it much easier than in a Russian bath. Children can switch to it only at primary school age.
Teach your child to take a bath gradually, and the duration of the first visits to the steam room should be limited to 3-5 minutes. Always apply steam slowly and carefully monitor the baby's condition. If he turns pale, immediately remove him from the steam room and give him a drink of water. Never whip your child with a broom. You can only lightly stroke the baby's body with it.
You should not allow the child to swim in the pool after the steam room - it will be enough to douse him with warm water. After such procedures, be sure to wrap the baby with a dry terry towel. Make sure that there are no drafts in the bath. Never leave your child alone in the bathhouse for a minute! Be sure to shoe him in slippers and cover his head with a special bath cap.
It is unacceptable for a child to soar if he has an acute infectious disease, problems with digestion, heart or headaches. Pediatricians do not tire of claiming that the bath can aggravate the course of some diseases - from colds to skin diseases. The opinion that it is good for a child to warm up a sore throat or a cold nose with a steam bath does not hold water. Under the influence of high temperatures, the swelling will only intensify. In addition, in the bath there is a danger of drafts and, oddly enough, hypothermia. That is why it can only be considered as a preventive measure.
Meanwhile, the bath is the perfect place for aromatherapy: drip some essential oil onto the hot stones. If the child often has colds, orange, lemon, bergamot, and conifer oils are suitable. Let the baby breathe in the healing fragrant air for two to three minutes.
Be sympathetic to the child's feelings: if he desperately resists going to the bath, do not insist. Wait a little, maybe soon he will take the initiative himself and ask you to take him with you. It is extremely important that on his first visit to the steam room, the baby steps over the threshold on his own. There should be no compulsion here!