Breast milk contains all the nutrients for the full development and health of the baby. But sometimes it happens that the mother has less milk, or it disappears altogether, and the baby begins to cry, because he does not eat enough.

Step 1
Try to breastfeed.
Before switching to formula, you need to try to restore natural feeding. Experts believe that all women are naturally programmed to breastfeed their baby. Because mother's milk is the best for a baby, it contains something that is not in artificial nutrition, for example, antibodies, enzymes, hormones. But they are so necessary for the development of the child's immunity.
Step 2
Avoid stress and fatigue
The mother must definitely feel calm, because any irritation or fatigue immediately affects the quantity and quality of milk, and thus the baby. You need to try to rest, ask for help from your husband or relatives. Lactation may decrease due to stress, tension, fear, or pain. To cope with stress, you can take a warm relaxing bath, listen to your favorite music, or just have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband or loved one.
Step 3
Apply the baby to the breast
If milk has disappeared due to the use of drugs that contract the uterus or after a cesarean section, then the baby still needs to be applied to the breast. When the baby sucks, the nipple is stimulated, which sends signals to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland secretes prolactin, a hormone that is essential for the production of breast milk. In the event that the baby is premature and cannot suckle on its own, you should express the breast every 2 or 3 hours. Thus, you can maintain lactation.
Step 4
Good nutrition
A nursing woman needs proper, healthy and nutritious nutrition. You should eat about 5 or 6 times before each meal. Only here it is imperative not to overdo it, because milk will not be able to increase from this, but excess weight is easy. In order to increase milk production, you can drink special medical infusions (phyto teas) or drink hot tea with milk
Step 5
In addition to all this, a nursing mother needs to rest more, take walks in the fresh air and, of course, love from loved ones, especially a spouse. The baby should be picked up more often, sleeping next to him - this also contributes to the production of breast milk.