A gifted child in a family is both a joy and a problem for parents. He differs from other children in his increased curiosity, the need to gain knowledge in the shortest possible time, and a critical attitude towards himself and others. It is difficult for a gifted child to interact in a peer group, because his interests differ significantly from those of all other children. A properly organized upbringing process helps to preserve this gift, to become a child successful not only in school, but also accepted in society.

Step 1
It is known that children are born with the same inclinations, i.e. have approximately equal opportunities for the development of abilities. For giftedness to manifest, conditions must be created for the development of these abilities. No wonder that the etymology of the term giftedness comes from the root "gift", that is, parents or educators can give a child the opportunity to become gifted. Such conditions can be created on purpose, or the child initially lives in a family, for example, of artists and has the opportunity from an early age to join this activity, involuntarily master the technique of the image, try different colors, find ways and forms of the image that most satisfy him.
Step 2
The gift received from adults must be trained, developed, and constantly supported. The emotional support of the parents is also important - joy for the child's success; and providing opportunities for methodological support, i.e. timely satisfaction of the child's request in obtaining knowledge of mastering new imaging techniques or developing sports skills. This will require additional investments and funds from parents to maintain and develop abilities.
Step 3
To preserve giftedness and form social success, a child must be brought up in a team of peers. In an ordinary kindergarten or in a general education school, he may have difficulties in communication and in cognition, because the perception of educational material occurs at a different intellectual level, and such a kid most often does not know how to play. Teachers complain about him: he asks uncomfortable questions, answers the fastest in class (does not let other children think, find the right answer), expresses his point of view, which is different from the rest. Therefore, the level of intellectual development of children in the team should be approximately the same as his. For such a child, a school or class for gifted children is suitable.
Step 4
A gifted child lives with his ideas, reflections. He has a rich inner world. But at the same time, he often does not pay attention to such trifles as appearance. Lost in thought, he puts on a shirt inside out or different socks. It is important to educate accuracy from early childhood. When working with paints, pay attention not only to the result of the work, but also to the child's workplace, which should be clean, to clothes that should not be stained. To show the child the beauty not only of creativity, but of himself, who is accepted in society "by dress."