In Russia, there is a Federal Law "On Education" (Art. 38). He points out certain requirements for the clothes that children wear at school. These requirements are established at the level of individual subjects of the Federation. But the schools themselves can install them.

School student clothes
Often parents and children are unhappy with the overly strict requirements for wearing clothes at school. Requirements may apply to other things as well. The school may prohibit the student from wearing not only jeans, but also, for example, earrings or a ring, prohibit high-heeled shoes, prohibit a certain type of hairstyle (loose hair), etc. Is it always lawful for the school to prohibit the above. Are children's rights not being violated?
As for the clothes of the child, then on this account in the law.

School student clothes should be where the child is. In addition, there is a law in the law, which indicates that the school should not accept the requirements for clothing of schoolchildren alone. Parental consent is required. The interests of children from large and low-income families should be especially protected. Headwear is not allowed at school.

Child's appearance at school
Very often, conflicts arise between parents and the school administration over the appearance of children: loose hair, painted nails, girls' makeup. Boys have beards, haircuts, mustaches. Can this be prohibited? No. The right to individuality is established. Therefore, any restrictions are a violation of rights and they must be punished. As violations can be: when the appearance of the child does not correspond to his gender or he somehow violates the feeling of believers.
To admit or not to school
Can a school keep a child out of class because of informal clothing? No. They can talk to the child, explain, call the parents, and if necessary, the police. But they do not have the right to prevent the student from going to class. From the point of view of the law: not admitting to school is a psychological and physical abuse of a child. It also violates the constitutional right of a citizen of Russia to receive education, which is guaranteed by it (part 1, article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
How to resolve a conflict
Any conflict can be resolved by simple negotiations with the school administration.

If an agreement with the school does not work, then the parents, which should consist of an equal number of representatives of parents, school and students. If this option does not work, then it should. An extreme case is this.
In any conflict between parent, children and school. Therefore, it is necessary to defend his rights and teach children to be able to defend them themselves.