Learning about the world, the child is ready to taste all the objects around him. Therefore, children are always glad to new dishes. But their digestive system is imperfect, and you need to be careful when introducing new foods into the diet.

Step 1
It is supposed to introduce porridge into the child's diet from 5 months. But you yourself will determine this period much more accurately for your baby. Observe his behavior: if the child often asks for food, he does not have enough breast milk, then it is time to think about complementary foods. You should not try new dishes after an illness or vaccination. The baby's body is already under stress, you should not give him an extra load.
Step 2
Choose the type of porridge with which you introduce the child first. The semolina familiar from childhood is not suitable - modern nutritionists have unanimously decided that this food is too heavy for a child. It is necessary to choose cereals that are easy to digest and do not provoke allergies. This is buckwheat, and you should start with it. Then you can give rice porridge, oatmeal, wheat, cornmeal porridge.
Step 3
Now you need to decide whether to cook porridge yourself, or buy special children's ones. The latter guarantee a quality composition, but increase the risk of allergies. Cooking porridge on your own is quite troublesome, moreover, using "adult" cereals, you cannot guarantee their quality.
Step 4
There are special children's cereals among the products of different manufacturers - for example, Hipp, Baby, Humana, Heinz. Please note that the porridge must be dairy-free. After all, milk is also difficult to digest and sometimes causes allergies. Milk porridge can be given closer to the year. Another important criterion is the absence of gluten. As a rule, manufacturers report this on the packaging with a noticeable icon.
Step 5
Porridge, like any other complementary food, should be introduced gradually. Start with one spoon, the next day offer your child two, then three, and so on, until your little one starts eating about 200 grams of porridge a day. This dish is best offered to your child in the morning.