Each of the women at least once in her life fell head over heels in love. This happened both at the school desk and as a student. And every time you asked yourself the same question: "How to win your beloved guy?"

Step 1
There can be two situations in this question: your lover is free or he has a girlfriend. In the first case, the chances of success, of course, are greater. First you need to draw his attention to yourself. This can be achieved by using your chic appearance. Therefore, the first step is to read a couple of fashion magazines and go shopping. It is also worth taking care of a neat manicure, a beautiful hairstyle and appropriate makeup. Now that you look amazing, you can move on to acquaintance.
Step 2
You can get to know each other through mutual friends or, for example, on a student holiday. It's okay if you start the conversation first. When you first talk, the main thing is not to be intrusive, remember, your main goal is to get his attention. Throw in a couple of cute lines and walk away with a smile. This way you can get his attention, but remain a mystery.
Step 3
Further, everything is much simpler. Try to keep in touch with him, the fact that you study together or have mutual friends is wonderful. Take advantage of this. Find out what he is interested in and amaze him with your knowledge of issues that are important to him. Listen carefully to him when he says something, ask as many clarifying questions as possible. Men love to be interested. Admire him, you can give him a little compliment.
Step 4
This way, over time, your relationship will become stronger. Remember that to love means taking care of the person you love and thinking first of all about his interests. Don't try to look like the perfect couple. You should also not rush things. Let your relationship develop gradually, where should you rush? Enjoy every moment.
Step 5
If we are talking about the second situation (he has a different one), then initially you need to decide whether the game is worth the candle? After all, destroying someone's already established relationship is a thankless task. On someone else's misfortune happiness can not be built. Of course, your love is strong, but look around. Perhaps, somewhere nearby, a fairy-tale prince is waiting for you, who will fulfill all your desires.