Why Does A Child Have Bad Breath?

Why Does A Child Have Bad Breath?
Why Does A Child Have Bad Breath?

Such a delicate problem as the smell from the mouth of a beloved child is quite common. But morning smell is a normal and common occurrence that occurs in both children and adults. Throughout the day, saliva and habitual muscle movements wash off all food debris in the oral cavity, but at night the number of bacteria grows several times, and it is for this reason that an unpleasant odor appears after waking up.

Why does a child have bad breath?
Why does a child have bad breath?

After the morning hygiene procedure, the smell disappears, but in case of improper oral hygiene, it can persist throughout the day. The reason is plaque, which is why dentists say that the child should "get acquainted" with the toothbrush almost immediately after the appearance of the first tooth. For a kid, daily brushing of teeth is a complex and incomprehensible procedure, because he does not yet understand why it needs to be done and how to do it correctly. The task of parents is to convey to their crumbs the information about the need to brush their teeth correctly. An older child should be taught to use dental floss. In case of caries, decay products accumulate in the hollow of a diseased tooth, which can cause bad breath. Examine the mouth carefully, even if no damage is found, the baby should be taken to the dentist, since the smell can be caused by one of the inflammatory diseases of the gums: periodontitis, stomatitis or gingivitis. Any of these conditions require urgent treatment. Bad breath can also be caused by diseases of the ENT organs, such as sore throat or tonsillitis. On the back of the throat and tonsils, plaque and pus are formed, teeming with microbes and causing an unpleasant odor. A rather strong odor can occur due to chronic bronchitis and the presence of adenoids. To fight the disease itself, as well as the smell, rinsing, inhalation and other physiotherapy procedures help. With diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, or with increased acidity of gastric juice, a sour smell, reminiscent of yeast dough, may occur. Kidney disease causes the smell of ammonia, when the blood sugar level changes, the smell of acetone appears. The child's bad breath may be accompanied by allergic rhinitis. In this case, crusts appear on the mucous membrane of the nasal passage, nasal congestion is felt, and in appearance it can be seen that the nostrils are slightly dilated. After the doctor prescribes nasal drops that moisturize the mucous membrane, the smell will disappear.
