How To Apply To The Registry Office Via The Internet

How To Apply To The Registry Office Via The Internet
How To Apply To The Registry Office Via The Internet

Information technology does not stand still, and today most of the important things can be arranged and completed via the Internet. So, for example, the innovation also affected the departments of the registry office. Today you can choose and reserve your wedding date via the Internet.

How to apply to the registry office via the Internet
How to apply to the registry office via the Internet

In order to book the wedding date you need, you need to go to the website of state and social services of the region where you live. So, for example, for the capital it is the information site of the Moscow Government. It should be remembered that the services on the portal are provided only by choosing the date of the wedding and making an appointment with the registry office. That is, you cannot submit an application online. Remember that you are not allowed to reserve your wedding day earlier than three months before the date you want. But it is not worth delaying either, because two months before the day you have chosen, the electronic registration stops. The procedure looks like this: on the portal of public services, you choose the registry office in which you want to hold the ceremony. It should be borne in mind that in Moscow, marriages with foreigners (this category includes citizens of Ukraine and Belarus) are concluded only in the Wedding Palace No. 4. Next, indicate the date and time of the desired registration. If it is already taken, you can view the options that the system will offer you. If the date and time are free, enter the details of the bride and groom in the fields provided. Then indicate a convenient time for you when you can come to submit a real application. Just remember that the reserved date of admission is not carried over, and if you do not come to the registry office to submit your application, your reservation for the date of the wedding will be canceled. In response to your request, you will receive a unique coupon by email. You must bring it on the day you go to apply. It will be a confirmation that you have registered in the system. In order not to waste time, you can print the application form on the Internet, directly on the portal of public services. Fill it out and take it to the registry office at the appointed time. Also, do not forget to pay in advance the state fee for the marriage procedure. Its size is determined by law and is 200 rubles. You don't even need to take the details, in the savings banks they already know what numbers to enter. Submit the receipt of payment to the registry office specialists for consideration. Do not forget to take your passports with you to submit your application, because they will be used to verify the authenticity of the information you specified. Then your application will be certified and the date and time you have chosen will be precisely assigned to you.
