How To Apply For A Pregnant Woman To The Registry Office

How To Apply For A Pregnant Woman To The Registry Office
How To Apply For A Pregnant Woman To The Registry Office

Table of contents:


For your marriage to be considered official, it must be registered at the registry office or the Wedding Palace. In this case, it does not matter whether you will arrange a celebration or just sign together.

How to apply for a pregnant woman to the registry office
How to apply for a pregnant woman to the registry office

It is necessary

  • - passports and their copies
  • - a certificate from the antenatal clinic about the bride's pregnancy
  • - statement


Step 1

To register a marriage, you must submit an application to the registry office. In this case, the personal presence of both future spouses, copies of their passports and payment of state fees are required. After the adoption of all the documents, a period is usually assigned to think over the decision - on average a month, in some institutions even two. If there is no long queue at this registry office, then you can set the date that suits you yourself, otherwise you will choose from what is free.

Step 2

If you are pregnant, then according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, you have an advantage, so you can register your relationship even on the day of application. Of course, it must be borne in mind that on some days the registry office does not work, as well as whether you will arrange a solemn wedding with speech, music, guests, or just sign it together. After all, each such institution has its own schedule, and on some days festive events are held, and on others - the usual painting. In Moscow, all registry offices work according to the same mode: Sunday, Monday - days off; Friday, Saturday - solemn registration, and on other days - simple.

Step 3

To prove your pregnancy, you must provide a certificate from the antenatal clinic to the registry office, which indicates the exact date, as well as information about the woman's well-being. If there are any health problems, or it's time for you to give birth soon, then the head of the registry office is obliged to schedule you when you want it. Of course, on a typical day, the ceremony hall will not open to you, but they will register for sure.

Step 4

Both spouses must be present during registration, but if one of them cannot for a good reason (long business trip, hospital stay, etc.), then you can bring a statement from him, certified by a notary.

Step 5

Recently, on-site marriage registration has become fashionable, i.e. you can invite employees of the registry office to your place at any place convenient for you. This service is available in many institutions, but it is paid and sometimes not cheap at all. You can even sign at the maternity hospital, but it must be borne in mind that such a list does not carry any legal force, so you first need to register with the registry office itself.
