Adopting a child in Russia is a long process. Often it is delayed not only due to the fault of the guardianship and guardianship authorities, but also due to the ignorance of the candidates for adoptive parents. To avoid possible mistakes, it is better to immediately get acquainted with what lies ahead.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - autobiography;
- - certificate of no criminal record;
- - medical certificate of health status;
- - a copy of the marriage certificate;
- - documents confirming the ownership of the dwelling;
- - a certificate from the place of work or a copy of the income declaration.
Step 1
Write a statement to the guardianship and guardianship authorities about your desire to become an adoptive parent with a request to make a decision on this issue. Based on the submitted documents, in two weeks you will receive an opinion on the possibility or impossibility of becoming an adoptive parent. Be prepared for the arrival of the commission, which will draw up an act on your living conditions.
Step 2
If the decision is positive, you will be registered as a candidate for adoptive parents. In addition, you will be provided with information about the children you can adopt. In the guardianship office, take a referral to visit the children. If you have not picked up a child in your region, then you can contact any other guardianship and guardianship authority anywhere in the Russian Federation.
Step 3
Get help from the federal parentless child databank. To do this, write an application with a request to provide information about children with certain data (age, sex of the child, nationality, etc.), attach to it the conclusion of the guardianship authority that you are allowed to become an adoptive parent, fill out a questionnaire, where, in addition to standard information (Full name, place of residence, passport details, etc.) indicate the wishes for the child whom you would like to adopt.
Step 4
After reviewing your documents, you will be provided with information about the child that meets your wishes. If you agree, you will receive a referral and will be able to visit your child. You are obliged to notify the database operator of the results of the visit. The database staff will regularly inform you about the appearance of children that meet your requirements. You are obliged to personally visit the children you like, get acquainted with their history, medical report on the child's health.
Step 5
If you have chosen a child, apply to the court for adoption. In addition to standard documents, the application must be accompanied by copies of the marriage certificate, the consent of the other spouse (if one is adopting) or a birth certificate if the adopter is not married. In addition, indicate what data you would like to change - the surname, name, patronymic of the child, his nationality, date and place of birth.
Step 6
If the adoption application is positively considered, the court will send all the data to the registry office in order to amend the child's documents. You will be issued an adoption certificate and a child's birth certificate.