What To Do If You Fell In Love With Another

What To Do If You Fell In Love With Another
What To Do If You Fell In Love With Another

Even a happy marriage can fall apart if your spouse meets another woman, and this is not your fault. What to do in this case - to reconcile, try to keep a spouse or let him go to a new lover - each woman must decide this for herself, taking into account the recommendations of psychologists.

What to do if you fell in love with another
What to do if you fell in love with another

Even happy marriages tend to collapse, and if your husband falls in love with another, do not blame yourself or your loved one for what happened. How to change the situation, what to do in this case, and whether it is worth “saving” the family, is not up to you to decide. Try to challenge your spouse to a serious, frank conversation, without going beyond the limits of tact and politeness. It is better to talk with your husband calmly, without reproaches, grandiose scandals and without raised tones, forgetting about obscene expressions. A serious and calm conversation will allow you to find out his future intentions and determine what actions should be taken.

In the case when the spouse falls in love with another woman, use your feminine cunning, finding out from your beloved man very carefully what all the same attracts him to your rival. But excessive persistence in questions and further rudeness on your part will only lead to failure, so you will have to act skillfully. If you manage to understand why, after living together happy years, your loved one has cooled down to you and began to look for a new passion, you will get a chance to "glue" the family, changing the situation in your favor. Even if you are the ideal wife, try to be a little better by putting into practice the qualities inherent in your rival.

But if the spouse really fell in love with the other and seeks to create a family with a new beloved, it is simply pointless to keep him near him. Let your loved one go, do not squabble during parting, and do not try to arrange some kind of "serious conversations" and scandals with his new lover - by such actions you will only drop your authority in the eyes of your spouse, who is already almost the former. Show him that you are attractive and happy, that you are a real person and that you can live well without him.

It is better to file for divorce on your own, showing your spouse that you do not intend to hold him at all, although it hurts. And then try to unwind, throw a party for your girlfriends, go to the theater or cinema, sign up for classes at the fitness club, go shopping, change your appearance at the beauty salon. Perhaps over the years of marriage, which seemed so happy, you simply stopped taking care of yourself, forgetting that you are not only a wife, but also a person? Erase the traitorous husband from the memory, remember the most negative aspects of his character, mentally paint the shortcomings of the ex-spouse in the brightest colors, and you will definitely feel better.
