Why Is The Child Aggressive

Why Is The Child Aggressive
Why Is The Child Aggressive

Children do not always play peacefully and calmly with each other. Often they quarrel among themselves, "call names", and a fight can break out. But these are signs of such a phenomenon as natural child aggression. It is a different matter when a child is aggressive beyond measure, when he does not get along with any of his peers, and fights occur almost daily. Then you need to find out where the sources of aggression are.

Why is the child aggressive
Why is the child aggressive

Children's aggressiveness is a manifestation of emotions of anger, rage, anger. To cope with child aggression, you need to understand why these feelings arise in the child's soul. Most often, the roots are hidden in the behavior of adults. These can be: • Parents' indifference to the child or a constant negative assessment of his actions; • Severe punishment of the child for his misdeeds, constantly applied in the family, and both physical and psychological punishment can lead to the same results; to people and animals. In the fight against childhood aggression, learn to recognize its external signs. An angry toddler's fists clench, his face takes on a fierce expression, his whole body tenses. If you see these signs in your child, try to bring his negative emotions into a peaceful course. Offer, for example, to shout out all complaints against the offender in an empty room; allow him to beat a piece of upholstered furniture or a pillow; write on a piece of paper all the offensive words that he wants to say, and then tear this piece of paper. A small child can be asked to draw his anger so that it stays on paper. Children prone to aggression need to create conditions that require increased physical activity: enroll in a sports section or create a sports corner at home. Physical activity contributes to the release of adrenaline, but this release will not harm anyone. Arrange role-playing games with the child: the boys enthusiastically play "war", proving their strength and courage to an imaginary enemy (in this case, you). From time to time, you need to change roles so that the child has the opportunity, having been in the role of a victim, to appreciate how unpleasant the manifestations of aggression are. The main thing is not to be indifferent to the life of your baby, because often children's aggression is a way to attract attention to yourself. Be interested in children's stories, do not rush to scold and punish your child for the slightest offense. And vice versa: praise for any, however small, achievements in any area. Severe punishments have never been good for anyone; if the child does not become aggressive, fear will settle in his soul. And for the harmonious development of a personality, understanding, sympathy and willingness to help on the part of parents are very important. The main method of combating aggression is personal example. If tough, authoritarian relations reign in the family, it is almost impossible to overcome child aggression.
