A compliment is a magic wand in the hands of any person. Having said a couple of pleasant words, you can cheer up the interlocutor for the whole day! Compliments with the letter "A" generate a lot of emotions in the hearts of people. It just so happened that they exactly characterize the personality of each person, so they should be pronounced with caution.

Step 1
"Artistic" is a compliment that will please an attention-hungry person. It is not necessary for a real artist to say this word. A beautiful girl who is trying hard to impress someone will be pleasantly surprised by such praise, but a modest guy will be surprised at such a characteristic of his own personality.
Step 2
"Neat" is a compliment that should be pronounced purposefully. Praising such a slovenly person is not worth it because in the end he will not change and will behave the same. This compliment is one of the most unromantic. You can say about accuracy to a student, a subordinate, a child, but not a beloved girl.
Step 3
"Active" is a targeted compliment. You can call such friends, work colleagues and just people you like. This should be done only if the person really takes an active life position.
Step 4
“Ambitious” is a very original compliment. Suitable for people who accurately understand the meaning of this word. This can be called a successful person in business. This word with a pronounced emotional connotation characterizes a person who has high demands on the quality of his own life.
Step 5
"Appetizing" is a dubious compliment. You can only say it to a person with whom you are in a close relationship. The word "appetizing" perfectly characterizes a sexy woman, but it will seem strange to a man. Such compliments are appropriate only in a circle of well-known people.
Step 6
"Angelic" is an adjective that can characterize both human behavior and his inner world. It is best to say such a compliment to girls, since a representative of the stronger sex may consider it demeaning to manhood.
Step 7
"August" is a word denoting in ancient times a royal personality, a sacred nature. Today it is used as a sophisticated compliment. Usually "the most august person" is called proud young ladies with a pronounced sense of their own dignity.
Step 8
"Fragrant" is a compliment meant for women. You can say it to a lady with whom you are in a fairly close relationship. There are few compliments starting with the letter "A", but they perfectly characterize the personal qualities of people and are very original.