Every woman dreams of being loved. But what if you feel that the man next to you is just comfortable, that you have become a habit for him? Scandals and ultimatums are not an option here. You need to try to get the man to treat you like a woman again and appreciate you.

Step 1
Love yourself. Starting with this simple task, you will put a lot into place. Do not sacrifice yourself for his sake, do not neglect your interests. Entrust a few things to a man, and you will have free time to take care of yourself. A beautiful, well-groomed woman who likes herself is much more attractive to a man than a driven horse.
Step 2
Do not exhaust yourself with work and household chores. Returning from work, do not rush to grab onto everything in a row. Get a man to help - you are just as tired this day as he is. If you are unable to assign him permanent responsibilities, make a different request every night. It is unlikely that your man will refuse you.
Step 3
Be unavailable sometimes. All men are hunters by nature, and with your independence and feigned indifference, you will only stir up interest in yourself. Show coldness and then suddenly get playful in a crowded place. Flirt with him while you are in plain sight - let him count the minutes until he is alone with you.
Step 4
Make him a little jealous from time to time. "Accidentally" miss a call from him, or during a conversation with him excitedly say that you have a call on the second line. After partying with friends or visiting, tell us how much fun it was, especially during contests and pair games. But don't overdo it by making you jealous. Remember, your job is to strengthen the relationship, not ruin it.
Step 5
Take compliments right. Don't say that the dress is old and that you have nothing to wear if your partner has approved you in it! By doing this, you lower your self-esteem and question your attractiveness in his eyes. Just smile and thank your man, even if you don't share his enthusiasm.
Step 6
Finally, always remember that you are a woman. Do not carry heavy bags with him, even if it is not at all difficult for you. Stop screwing in light bulbs, opening beer bottles, unclogging a clogged sink, or hammering in nails. Moreover, if your man is at home! You should seem to him a weak, defenseless creature that you want to love and protect. And be a feminist in those moments when no one sees you.