Some couples have such unpleasant situations as cheating on one partner. Nobody is safe from this. If male infidelity has recently become in the order of things, then a girl's betrayal sometimes causes bewilderment and condemnation from others.

Reasons for female infidelity
Girls cheat on their boyfriends and husbands for several reasons. First of all, this comes from the lack of attention that a man gives to his girlfriend. It is loneliness that can push a girl to various rash acts, including treason.
A girl can cheat on her boyfriend also in the event that her partner also committed similar actions. It is the desire to take revenge on your man that can lead a girl into the arms of another guy. There are also other reasons for female infidelity, but these two are considered the most common.
What if a girl cheated on you?
First of all, you should not "pay with the same coin" - it will not bring you anything but grief or disappointment. You should also not make hasty decisions, for example, an unplanned move out of the apartment, a threat or physical violence against a girl or a guy with whom she cheated on you. Such actions can have dire consequences, including criminal liability.
Everyone deserves a second chance
You have probably often heard such a phrase as "Give her / him a second chance." This is true. After all, anyone, even you, can stumble or make a mistake. If your girlfriend cheated on you once, this may not happen the second time. Analyze the situation, no matter how unpleasant it may be. Find out the reason for the infidelity and draw conclusions, since often both partners are to blame for cheating. Try to understand your beloved, because understanding is the path to forgiveness. To forgive is actually not so difficult, the main problem is learning to trust your beloved again. That is why many couples do not withstand such a test as infidelity, because first of all, trust between partners is important.
There is no definite answer
If you are faced with female infidelity, then the unequivocal answer to the question "What to do?" you won't find. It is best to act based on the situation.
You can forgive cheating on a girl if you yourself want to, and you can also trust your beloved, as before. If you doubt this, then you should leave. Otherwise, you ruin your life with constant scandals and suspicion not only of your beloved, but also of yourself.