Did you find out that your husband is cheating on you, and now you want to punish him? Well, you are absolutely right. This fact cannot be ignored. Impunity can lead to permissiveness, and your husband will continue to cheat on you.

Step 1
First and foremost, remember that the punishment is not store surrender. You don't have to hurt in response to the pain you have been hurt. Punishment is a way to make a man think of you and repent of his behavior. So try to punish him with love.
This is a difficult method, but very effective.
Your care, love and attention will make a man doubt the correctness of his actions. Why seek happiness on the side if an affectionate and natural wife is waiting at home?
Just remember, this method will work if your attitude towards your husband is disinterested. You should not expect gratitude from him and the fact that the traitor will immediately start kissing your feet. Give your love just like that.
Step 2
The second method is more controversial, but just as powerful as the first. Punish him with jealousy.
When using this method, remember that the basis of jealousy should be only the husband's fantasy and by no means facts. If the fact of your infidelity takes place, the likelihood of losing your husband will be very high. Men, as a rule, do not forgive this. Note that jealousy will not only help punish the traitor, but will also warm up your feelings.
Step 3
There is another way: forgive your husband. Do not ignore the case of treason, namely, forgive. Gather your strength and discuss with your husband his betrayal. Let him understand how much pain he has caused you. He will understand how much you love him, that you can forgive that too. In fact, of course, none of the women can completely forgive the fact of her husband's betrayal. But if you nevertheless decided to forgive your husband, then do not remember at every opportunity about his betrayal. And remember, everyone should have a second chance. Give this chance to your guilty but beloved husband.