Many married women have to deal with cheating on their husbands. Such betrayal, as a rule, leaves a feeling of deep resentment and requires some kind of retribution.

- - the layer's services;
- - action plan.
Step 1
After learning about your husband's betrayal, first of all, calm down. Yes, it's difficult, but decisions made under the influence of strong emotions can make you regret them later. For example, when you receive evidence of adultery, you immediately decide to divorce and file a petition. But later, you may change your mind about breaking up your marriage.
Step 2
Once again, double-check the accuracy of the information about her husband's infidelity. Could it be that someone is trying to destroy your family? By quickly believing fictional facts and immediately taking decisive action, you can destroy your happiness with your own hands. Keep in mind that nowadays it is possible to fake even video filming, not to mention photographs with “evidence of treason”.
Step 3
What if the fact of treason leaves no doubt? First of all, do not feel unhappy - now you are a warrior, victory will still be yours. No self-pity, no tears. Only cold determination and a thirst for revenge!
Step 4
To begin with, decide whether you will leave your husband or still stay with him, this is important for choosing a strategy for revenge. Suppose you decide to leave, in this case you need to leave with dignity. Namely, taking the maximum of what you can take. Yes, some will say that this is unethical. But we're talking about revenge!
Step 5
Prepare to leave. Maybe your husband promised to buy you a new car? Then let him do it now. Did you promise other expensive gifts? Remind him tactfully of them. Expensive clothes, jewelry - anything will do! Gut his wallet, bank account - he deserves it!
Step 6
Be sure to consult with an experienced lawyer, he will help you gain financial independence in a divorce. Having deprived the unfaithful husband of a solid part of his welfare, you will inflict a much greater blow on him than with a loud slap in the face and a loud demonstrative slam of the door. However, you can not deprive yourself of the pleasure of a slap.
Step 7
Before leaving, do not be too lazy to tidy yourself up. Leave in all the splendor of your splendor - let your unfaithful husband see what he is missing! By doing this, you will inflict a final and very painful blow on him.
Step 8
The second option is that you decided to stay, to save your marriage. In this case, your task is to keep your husband with you and make him repent of his unreasonable act. Remember - we are talking about revenge, so your task is to make this fallen creature suffer and beg your forgiveness on your knees. The question is how to do this?
Step 9
Do not make scandals, this will turn your husband against yourself even more. Don't ignore your household chores - leaving your husband hungry or not washing his shirts will also get him backlash. So what do you do? Almost the same as in the first option - show yourself in all your splendor! Go in for sports, go for a massage, visit a solarium, but so that your husband does not know about it. Healthy eating, meditation, positive thinking - you must become the pinnacle of perfection!
Step 10
And with all this, you must remain inaccessible to your husband, this is very important. Headache, no mood, critical days - you never know reasons we can find for refusal? And if the husband knows that you know about his betrayal, then there are no problems at all with the refusal of reciprocity. At such a moment, you have every right to throw an offensive in his face - "Go to your …" You can add the end of the phrase at your discretion. What will all this give? You put the unfaithful husband before a choice - either you, in all your splendor and splendor, or trekking to the left. It is very useful to let him know that your patience has limits, that you will not put up with cheating. One more time and he will lose you. And together with you, he will lose all the home comfort you create.
Step 11
Remember, it's important not to overdo it in your revenge. Wait until the moment when the husband is already on the brink - and forgive him. You can literally offer him on his knees to ask for forgiveness, he will certainly do it. The rest completely depends on you - the unfaithful husband should fully feel that he is better with you than with anyone else.