Sometimes children do not obey their elders, commit misdeeds that cannot be left unnoticed. There is only one way out - punishment. It should not be cruel, it should be an educational lesson.

It is necessary
Patience, love, consistency, calmness
Step 1
Don't escalate the situation. Punish your child by being calm, not angry. Punishment is not revenge, humiliation or resentment. Don't use corporal punishment unless absolutely necessary. When punishing a child, consider the severity and age of the offense. Children under the age of 2-2, 5 years old, it is practically pointless to punish in the literal sense of the word. Here, rather, we should talk about the exclusion of situations that provoke the baby to disobedience.
Step 2
At the age of 2 to 4 years, the child realizes himself as a person, begins to understand which of his actions please others, and which upset or annoy. Despite the fact that understanding has already come, the ability to control one's behavior is not yet fully formed. At this stage of life, children have a "substitute" who creates all those outrages that drive parents and loved ones crazy. This allows the child to free himself from the feeling of shame, since most of what happens is not done by him, but by someone else. Talk to your baby more.
Step 3
Try to believe that the child is not deceiving you, claiming that it is a "bunny from the forest". The fact is that the kid still very easily confuses fantasy with reality. The task of the parents is to understand why the child did this. Ask him, talk to him and help fix the situation. If you have not bullied your child, and he is not afraid of your anger or condemnation, then he will most likely willingly chat with you.
Step 4
Do not forget that at this age babies very often act contrary to their parents. And they do this not at all because they do not want to reckon with you, they just need to feel some independence, their capabilities and their boundaries. If you start punishing the child for this, you will start a battle in which there will be no winners. Express your dissatisfaction with the child's behavior, available for his age, explain to him what upset you in his behavior / deed.
Step 5
If you see that the child is worried about the wrongdoing, do not aggravate these feelings. Try to support him. The main thing is for the kid to understand that the accomplished business is more or less fixable, that he is a human being and can be mistaken. Explain to your child how to try differently next time and avoid trouble. Having realized this, the child will quickly learn to be more critical of himself and his behavior. If he does not understand that, for example, taking or breaking someone else's toy by force, he did something bad, you should think very seriously. It is quite possible, while raising a baby, you were so afraid of upsetting him with the news that he was wrong in something, that now the child is not at all ready to admit it by performing certain actions.