Dreams of a future baby are wonderful. But if you can't get pregnant, thinking about this topic can become a real obsession. Constant thinking about what you are doing wrong, endless discussions of the problem with your husband, mom and girlfriends prevent you not only from leading a normal life, but also from achieving the desired pregnancy.

Step 1
Enjoy life. While you don't have a baby, you can afford a lot - for example, going away with your husband for a couple of days, organizing a romantic weekend. Fall in love with your spouse, take the time to communicate with each other - this is the surest way to come to the desired pregnancy. Make love as often as possible.
Step 2
Ignore the ovulation and critical days charts. The realization that this time nothing will work out keeps you in suspense and does not allow you to relax. Forget about schemes - make pregnancy an unexpected and pleasant gift for you.
Step 3
Decide to have a serious conversation with your husband. Talk to him about your doubts and expectations. Work out a plan together. For example, decide that if a pregnancy still does not occur after a year, you decide to participate in an in vitro fertilization program. And if that doesn't help, consider adopting a baby. Such a decision will relieve you of the burden of responsibility and help you forget about your problems for a while.
Step 4
If you can't relax, see a good therapist. An experienced specialist will talk to you - perhaps you just need to listen to you carefully, without imposing your own point of view. Sometimes a professional conversation can help you prioritize and understand yourself. If the doctor recommends a sedative or vitamin complexes, do not refuse - obsessive thoughts, insomnia and tearfulness may be the result of a lack of important trace elements in the body.
Step 5
Think about work. Don't dive into a routine - take on a new project, assess your career prospects. Or maybe you should think about starting your own business? If no changes are foreseen on the service front, remember a forgotten hobby or pick up something new. Sign up for a foreign language course, art studio or yoga class, embroidery or dancing.
Step 6
Do not waste time on thematic sites and forums where you are used to discussing your problems with the same sufferers. This will put you back in a vicious circle. For a while, cross out "children's" sites from your life - you will definitely return there when you really need the advice of experienced mothers.