By what signs can you determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date? Probably, almost every woman at least once in her life asked this question. By listening to your body, even without passing a pharmacy test, you can understand whether pregnancy has occurred.

Step 1
One of the most reliable signs of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. Therefore, regularly monitor your cycle so that you always know the approximate time of your next period. However, this symptom does not always indicate pregnancy. Cycle disturbances can be triggered by stress or illness.
Step 2
Note that about a week after the fertilization of the egg, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. During this period, unpleasant pain sensations and slight bleeding are possible, which is not the usual menstruation.
Step 3
Painful sensations and increased sensitivity in the mammary glands, accompanied by a darkening of the halo, also indicate a woman's pregnancy.
Step 4
In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's body is under stress. As a result, the expectant mother suffers from headaches, increased irritability, dizziness and excessive fatigue. Remember if you have similar symptoms.
Step 5
Toxicosis is a well-known nuisance that accompanies many pregnant women. In some cases, it may appear as early as the second week of pregnancy. Therefore, listen to this signal from the body.
Step 6
Pregnant women often notice changes in taste preferences. You may suddenly feel hungry or, conversely, lose your appetite. Analyze if your eating habits have changed.
Step 7
A slight malaise, accompanied by a cold and a slight increase in body temperature, may also indicate the onset of pregnancy. The fact is that immediately after conception, immunity weakens, which contributes to the onset of diseases.
Step 8
However, in order to be sure of the onset of pregnancy, visit a gynecologist. After the examination and ultrasound, the doctor will dispel your doubts. In the early stages, pregnancy can be detected by a blood test for hCG.