It's not just adults who are overweight. Children at the age of 10-12 also face this problem, and not less often than adults. How can a girl lose weight at 10-12 years old, so as not to disrupt the forming hormonal background?

How to lose weight for a girl at 10-12 years old and not lose health
Children are the mirror of their parents. And if in the family the main focus is not on a healthy lifestyle, but on the stomach, then problems with excess weight cannot be avoided by either father, mother, son or daughter. For adults, extra 5-10 kilograms can be transferred calmly, but the child's body, especially at 10-12 years old, can react deplorably. At this age, obesity is not so much an aesthetic disease as a hormonal one. In boys, testosterone production decreases, and girls begin to have problems with the production of estrogen.
However, at the age of 10-12 years old, due to excess weight, the first complexes begin to appear in a girl: boys begin to tease, classmates - to joke. If you do not want your beloved child to have problems with peers, and in the future with personal life and the birth of children, you need to take action now.
What if the problem already exists?
Firstly, do not despair, and secondly, act! But in no case should a girl at 10-12 years old sit on buckwheat, as well as close the refrigerator with a lock at 18:00.
If possible, then enroll your daughter to dance or run. The best option would be if you go with her to yoga, Pilates or shaping classes. In a couple of months, the girl's figure will tighten, the extra 2-4 kilograms will go away forever.
If you can't go in for sports, then start walking with the whole family in the park, and it is better to run. An excellent fat burning option is Nordic walking. This is a normal brisk step, only you are holding ski poles in your hands.
The need for a diet
Strict diets are definitely not needed! It is necessary to adhere only to the system of proper nutrition. First, remove all unhealthy foods from your home: mayonnaise, margarine, cheese (with the exception of feta cheese), sausage, premium white bread. Secondly, significantly reduce the consumption of sugar (for a girl at the age of 12, 3 teaspoons of sugar a day is enough), candies and other sweets - no more than 100 grams per day (this is about 10 candies).
A girl's diet should contain all the nutrients in approximately the following proportions: proteins - 30%, carbohydrates - 60%, fats - 20%.
It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Good for breakfast oatmeal with dried apricots, banana as a snack at school, for lunch - a plate of low-fat borscht with a slice of Borodino bread, at 16 o'clock you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese and one apple, in the evening you can eat 100 grams of boiled breast, and an hour before bedtime a glass of 1% kefir will be an excellent end to the day. Such a diet will speed up the metabolism, and the child will lose weight 2-3 kilograms per month.