Probably, almost every person has been brought together by fate at least once with people from whom one wants to escape as soon as possible. Moreover, these are not at all rude, ill-mannered ignoramuses. They can be polite, educated people. But communication with them causes, at best, yawning, and at worst - undisguised annoyance, even anger. These are bores.

What is a bore
There are many types of bores. For example, a boring pedant who is firmly convinced that absolutely any thing in the house should occupy a strictly allotted place, and all the cups in the cupboard are turned in a certain direction so that their handles are parallel to each other. And God forbid his household to break this rule! The bore will explain for a long time and annoyingly how important it is that the cups are arranged in this way. What exactly is the importance, only he knows.
The bore pedant is sincerely sure that any person must be accurate and accurate, and any attempt to convince him is met with hostility.
Or, for example, a bore gossip who knows absolutely everything about the tenants of his house. Who is doing what in their free time, who is watching what programs on TV, who is cheating on his wife, and who will be promoted. He spreads all this invaluable information in the most detailed way to anyone: a colleague, a relative or a random companion.
A very difficult case is a whiner-bore who is in constant depression. He sincerely considers himself an unhappy person. No one likes at home, no one appreciates at work, the computer constantly freezes due to dastardly hackers, the weather is nowhere worse, expired products are regularly slipped in the store. The bore-whiner tells about all these misfortunes in the most detailed way to any listener, in the hope that they will regret him, sympathize.
If the whiner bore does not get pity, he becomes even more depressed.
Slightly better than a nerdy, smart guy. He often possesses encyclopedic knowledge and phenomenal memory. And at the same time he considers it his sacred duty to share his knowledge, to "present" anyone with huge amounts of information, including highly specialized information that is interesting only to a limited circle of people. He does not even ask the question: does the interlocutor need this, whether he is interested in such a topic.
How to avoid getting bored
Communicating with such people is a very dubious pleasure. Therefore, if the bore is not one of your loved ones, it is best not to maintain any relationship with him at all. If he does "catch" you, try to end the conversation as soon as possible. "I am very busy, in a hurry, I have no time!" - and leave. Do not be afraid to appear impolite, tactless. If you are lucky enough to have a close relative, a bore, learn how to quickly transfer his attention to another topic.