A child for whom learning is difficult is not a lazy person. He really wants to study at 4 and 5. To please parents with school success. He just doesn't know what to do for this. Parents should help him.

If the child's studies are difficult, the parents should help him first. They know their son or daughter best of all. Therefore, it is easier for them to find the reason for the poor performance of their offspring.
The child is not to blame
It is possible that the child does not cope with the school curriculum because he has health problems. For example, speech therapy. A child with speech impairment has difficulty writing and reading. It is not easy for him to answer at the blackboard. Therefore, even with good knowledge, he can receive triples.
Temperament also affects school success. If a child is naturally slow, the rhythm of work in the classroom seems to him too fast. He does not have time, he feels "out of place", gets tired quickly.
Don't demand the impossible from your child. Understand, not everyone is given to be an excellent student.
Not laziness, but tiredness
Fatigue is the main reason for poor grades. Parents should pay attention to the child's extracurricular activities. Doctors believe that a student can study normally if he attends only one intellectual circle and a sports section. An excess of additional loads takes away strength and distracts from lessons.
It is important to follow the daily routine. The child should fall asleep and wake up at the same time. This rule also applies to preparing homework, eating, walking. The correct routine has a beneficial effect on well-being.
Is the computer friend or foe?
Limit the time a student spends in front of the TV or computer to 1.5 hours. Psychologists have long been sounding the alarm: a child immersed in screen pictures turns off the part of the brain that is responsible for creativity.
He is poor at learning subjects related to abstract thinking. Doesn't understand physics. Can't write essays or even draw.
However, you shouldn't put a taboo on your computer. Computer science is now beginning to be studied in kindergarten. There are many educational computer games, high-quality educational films.
Business to the liking
Difficult peer relationships can be the cause of school problems. The child is acutely worried about his failures in school, he is afraid of ridicule by his classmates.
Together find an activity in which he can reveal his talents and compete for the championship. Achievements will boost self-esteem. Self-confidence comes in handy in your studies as well.
To school with the whole family
Check your homework regularly. The child must understand that the learned lesson will definitely be asked by mom or dad. Praise even small successes (solved the problem quickly, made fewer mistakes in the exercise).
Show a genuine interest in your son or daughter's school affairs. Ask how the excursion to the museum went, how the class prepares for the holiday. The child must trust his parents and seek help at the right time.