Due to the fact that people are biologically divided into two sexes - men and women, there are also two main genders. Gender, in contrast to sex, is a psychological concept associated with gender identity. However, in addition to male and female gender, there are also transgender people.

Step 1
Transgender is a collective term that denotes the discrepancy between biological and social sex (gender). It is customary to refer to transgender people as transsexuals, transvestites, androgynes, intersex people, bigenders and agenders.
Step 2
Transsexuals are people who constantly associate themselves with the opposite sex. Some of them seek to change their gender on a physical level with the help of surgery or hormone therapy, as well as change the entry in their passport. Others are not going to have the operation, but behave like people of the opposite sex, call themselves by a different name and demand it from others.
Step 3
Transvestites love to play the role of the opposite sex. Thus, men can enjoy wearing women's clothing and women wearing men's clothing. They can even participate in related shows. However, they, unlike transsexuals, do not necessarily identify themselves with the opposite sex, but may simply experience certain vivid emotions from dressing up or sexual arousal, and be prone to fetishism.
Step 4
An androgyne is a person who feels about equally as a representative of both sexes. He does not play any specific gender role and often prefers unisex clothing. During the heyday of glam rock, many musicians used the image of the androgyne in their work. Androgyny is primarily a psychological concept. Anatomically, such a person may simultaneously have both male and female sexual characteristics, signs of one sex, or may not be at all.
Step 5
Intersex people are people who have sexual characteristics of both sexes, while they are not fully developed and are on the same parts of the body. As a rule, embryonic development in the womb of such people begins normally, but at some point continues towards the opposite sex. Intersexuality can also be genetically determined (zygotic), when, during the fertilization of an egg, a deviation occurs in the formation of a set of genes and sex chromosomes. In ancient times, intersex people were called hermaphrodites.
Step 6
Bigenders have fluid gender identities. Regardless of their biological sex, they can perceive themselves as men or women, and play different social roles, depending on various factors - circumstances, mood, interlocutor. Biggender has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Bigenders do not suffer from a split personality, they have psychological integrity and, at the same time, changeable gender perception.
Step 7
Agenders do not associate themselves with one or the other sex. Biologically, they can be both women and men and intersex.