Who Are Nymphomaniacs

Who Are Nymphomaniacs
Who Are Nymphomaniacs

Nymphomania (from the Greek nymphe - bride, mania - madness, passion), or andromania (from the Greek andros - man) is a type of hypersexuality in women, a form of excessive sexual desire. In men, a similar condition is called "satiriasis".

Who are nymphomaniacs
Who are nymphomaniacs

Nymphomania is manifested by an uncontrollable, obsessive, often impulsive desire for sexual intercourse with different partners. At the same time, age, appearance, financial situation, social status and even the sex of the sexual object "turned up under the arm" do not play a special role, that is, there is a low level of discrimination in choosing a partner.

Nymphomania is characterized by constant dissatisfaction and erotic fantasizing, sexual disinhibition, the search for new partners and casual sex. Nymphomaniac, as a rule, are not capable of orgasm, and if orgasms do occur, then they do not satisfy "hunger" and only for a short time reduce attraction. Women with this disorder usually have an obsessive desire to achieve sexual satisfaction, which is why they "seek" release in a large number of sexual acts - in the hope that the quantity will someday turn into quality.

Excitation in this pathology is not accompanied by adequate physiological reactions on the part of the genitals, and the drive is of an obsessive subjective nature. The lack of involvement of the genitals in the process of arousal indicates the presence of psychopathology. Hypersexuality in nymphomania must be distinguished from hypersexuality that occurs with any organic brain damage. The disorder most often accompanies the manic stage of manic-depressive psychosis. It is also possible an excessive increase in sexual desire after experiencing stress, severe fright or tension.

The causes of nymphomania can be obsessive states, nervous or mental disorders, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and organs that perform endocrine functions, ovarian tumors, and so on. It is often observed in persons prone to psychopathy, especially in the hysterical circle. It can also be observed with oligophrenia.