People are often not alike. They may have different views on life, opinions about certain things, demeanor. All this leads to misunderstanding and conflict situations. Meanwhile, if they wish, people can always understand each other.

Step 1
In order for mutual understanding to arise between people, first of all, two conditions are necessary. First, a person must sincerely want to understand who is around. At the same time, he should not be ruled by idle curiosity, but sincere interest. Of course, most often it occurs when it comes to a loved one. Their joint future depends on how people managed to understand each other. A person is built in such a way that his efforts can be crowned with success only if he has his own interest.
Step 2
The second, equally important condition is that a person must want to be understood. In other words, he must be ready to take a step towards another, be sincere and patient with him. You should not try to understand the other person from the point of view of your life position. On the contrary, you need to try to see the problem through his eyes. In order to understand a person, it is not at all necessary to agree with him in everything. The main thing is to accept his point of view and recognize his right to think in his own way. In order to learn to understand a person, you need to know how he lives, to study the environment in which he grew up, if possible, to get to know his family and friends. After all, the environment and upbringing have a strong influence on the formation of a person's character and his views on life.
Step 3
If there is a desire to gain mutual understanding, you must learn to listen carefully to each other. It often happens that a seemingly insignificant detail, which the interlocutor simply did not pay attention to, turns out to be the most important and simply necessary for understanding the situation. However, if people love each other, it will be much easier to show the necessary attention. After all, every word coming from the lips of a loved one, as a rule, seems interesting and meaningful.
Step 4
There are no two people completely alike, because everyone's life is made up of many different circumstances. Therefore, it is important to be able to listen to the other in any situation and try to understand him. Most conflicts arise precisely because of the unwillingness or inability to do this. In life, it is always important to find a reasonable compromise. There are so many people who are able to hear another and take a step towards him. If you can't find a common language with a person, then you need to either stop communicating with him, or learn to accept him as he is, staying at your own opinion. True, if we are talking about romantic and, even more so, family relationships, this is unlikely to lead to a happy future.