All your life you are surrounded by a variety of people, and most of the problems that a person encounters in the process of life are complex due to the difficulties and problems in communication and relationships with others. Sometimes it may seem to you that the people around you are the most incomprehensible creatures in the universe, but they are not. In this article, we will talk about how to better understand others so that misunderstanding does not interfere with your communication with people.

Step 1
All people have a different temperament and each has its own unique personality type. First of all, even if the person makes you uncomfortable for some reason, don't show it and try to be friendly and welcoming. People tend to respond in kind to friendliness.
Step 2
Try to get the person talking - ask him about yourself. It is difficult to find a person who would not gladly seize the opportunity to talk about his own life and his own hobbies.
Step 3
In the story, glean as much information as possible about the person - thanks to this, a certain picture will already form in your head, explaining what you can approximately expect from a person, and what his character is.
Step 4
Each person tries, consciously or not, to demonstrate to the interlocutor his best qualities and hide his shortcomings. Listen carefully both to the interlocutor's words and to his emotional and non-verbal reactions - facial expressions, gestures and other moments that will allow you to feel his inner state as accurately as possible, which, of course, will help you understand the person better.
Step 5
In the process of communication, be as relaxed as possible, do not show your interlocutor internal tension.
Step 6
Easily engage in conversation, show your knowledge in different areas - including in the field of personality psychology, and use your imagination.