Unconventional orientation and same-sex relationships are becoming more and more relevant. Some people, even in adolescence, note attraction and interest in persons of the same sex, others carefully hide and do not realize their true orientation all their lives. Psychologists agree that it is extremely important to recognize and accept an orientation, even if it is not approved in society. Because the denial or doubts of a person in it, cause many complexes, psychological blocks and other problems.

There are a number of signs by which a person can check his assumptions, in cases where he doubts the truth of his orientation. Let's consider some of these signs.
Signs indicating homosexual orientation
First, you need to decide whether a person is attracted or interested in people of the same sex with him. Next, you need to assess the attraction, namely to answer the question: "What type of attraction is this?" Distinguish between emotional attraction and erotic attraction or sex drive.
If a man experiences sexual interest or arousal when viewing erotic images with persons of the same gender, such attraction is called emotional. For example, a man likes to watch videos containing homosexual scenes; he is excited by stories about the intimate relationship of men, and he enjoys it.
However, as a rule, in everyday life, a man does not advertise such hobbies and hides them. And often adheres to a demonstratively negative assessment in relation to homosexuals. This circumstance is explained by the fact that, denying such an attraction, the man's brain stores such information deep in the subconscious. So homosexual attraction is often not recognized by a person; in psychology, this orientation is called latent.
Erotic attraction occurs when a man watches or reads erotic stories about same-sex sexual relations, and sees himself not as an outside observer, but represents or wants to see himself in them as an active participant in events.
Also, fantasies on the topic of erotic same-sex caresses are referred to as homosexual attraction. Experiences, such as the kiss of a man with a man, that generate pleasant emotions or arousal are also considered homosexual attraction.
Methods for determining sexual orientation
Having decided on the type of same-sex attraction on your own, you need to get an independent result, for example, undergo anonymous testing on the Internet. Today, there are several variants of tests that determine a person's tendency to same-sex relationships.
It is possible to pass such tests with the proviso that they will not give an exact result, but will only prompt the likelihood of a person's homosexual orientation. To obtain a reliable result and help, you need to contact a specialist sexologist or psychologist.
Reasons why a man doubts the truth of his orientation
It is worth noting that it is upbringing that sets a person's direction in orientation. Because the example of the parents forms the future model of the family and the male model of behavior in the child. Since single-parent families are not an exception, but the norm of modern society, it often happens that a child, a boy, grows up under the care of a mother and grandmother. That is, the future man receives overwhelming female attention and experience.
It is no exception when, with this order of upbringing and growing up without paternal influence, a man does not receive the necessary experience and example. Such experience is necessary for hardening the character and the appearance of masculine traits in it.
As a result, the boy grows up infantile, looking for a woman who can take care of him and take care of him, make important decisions, and not vice versa. Such a man expects from a companion the same actions and care that he received from his mother in childhood. In turn, a woman herself expects heroism and masculinity from a man.
It is difficult to imagine such a union as harmonious. Then the man begins to catch himself thinking that he likes more determined and independent women, and after a while he notices the attraction to same-sex partners. He is comfortable with them, he gets the energy he lacks. The described situation, in which a man reveals erotic interest and attraction not only to the opposite sex, is quite common.