When we meet an acquaintance or an old friend, loved one, parent or child, we hug quite often. Hugs are a way to express your joy, love, support, and empathy. Correctly hugging is necessary so that a person understands exactly what emotions you want to convey to him.

A hug emphasizes closeness and contact between people. In a hug, one person always prevails over the other, and this can cause discomfort. Very often people who are small in stature experience discomfort. In order for a tall person to hug a person of shorter stature, he needs to bend slightly so that his eyes are approximately at the same level. Thus, a person who is taller will show his polite attitude towards another.
If you want to hug your child, then you need to squat down. Children can be intimidated by a tall person, and such hugs can scare and alienate them.
After you have hugged a person, you need to open your arms, lean back a little and look into the person's eyes, smile. But do not hold such a gaze for a long time, a couple of seconds is quite enough.
With a glance, psychologists advise showing your feelings for another person. If you want to say “thank you” with your hugs, then, looking into the eyes, say “thank you” in your head. At this time, all your feelings will appear in your eyes and on your face, and then the person will receive the right signal and understand that your hugs were sincere and real.
This is the rather simple art of the right hug.