Girls love to attract the attention of the opposite sex, and one of them is not enough for them. If your goal is to turn the heads of all the guys at school, go for it.

What kind of girls do guys like?
First of all, guys pay attention to attractive representatives of the fairer sex. You should look well-groomed, take care of your appearance, visit the hairdresser at least once every two months, do manicure, pedicure and styling. Try to stick to fashion trends, but don't fall prey to fashion. Between the thing that is in trend and the thing that suits you, it is better to choose the second one. Dress so that your appearance matches the institution you are in. Avoid plunging necklines and short skirts. However, don't overdo it. Your clothes should be youthful. Choose fashionable styles of business clothes, and when going for a walk, do not forget about bright colors of clothes. It is best to avoid shades of gray.
Don't follow the crowd. Boys love girls who have opinions of their own. Try to stand out not only in appearance, but also in your behavior. If most girls behave cheekily, often go to entertainment venues, do not follow the lead of others. Spend your time the way you like it. If you like dancing or music, attend concerts. It shouldn't matter to you whether your friends appreciate your hobby or not.
How to please guys at school?
To drive all the guys at school crazy, you need to get noticed, and the attention you receive must be earned by positive actions. Some girls, trying to please the representatives of the stronger sex, begin to make their way into the company of the most popular guys at school, but this is not at all necessary. To get noticed, you can simply take an active part in the life of the school, perform at concerts and be involved in other school activities.
Be sociable and cheerful. If someone has expressed a desire to get to know you, you should not arrogantly refuse him. Even a lack of interest in a member of the opposite sex can be expressed kindly and amiably. If you don't like the guy, just offer him some companionship. Gossip spreads very quickly around the school, so it is important for you to communicate with people so that later they do not speak about you as a rude and ill-mannered person.
Your appearance within the walls of an educational institution should always become a bright event. Enter class with a smile and greetings to your friends, and remember to say goodbye before leaving.