Guys sometimes make too high demands on girls. But this does not mean at all that you will not be able to please anyone. to attract the opposite sex, it is enough to know what men want.

What a perfect girl should be
Men dream of seeing ideal women next to them. To become such, you must always be gentle, affectionate and sophisticated. Remember that strong girls scare guys away, but they treat the defenseless with warmth and care. You want to protect and protect a gentle young lady, so awaken these desires in the stronger sex.
Guys don't like girls who don't have opinions of their own. Always defend your position, have a broad outlook and be interested in different things. If your hobby matches the hobbies of your beloved, it will be a huge plus in your piggy bank.
Of course, do not forget that, first of all, people pay attention to their appearance. You shouldn't dress vulgarly, wear too much makeup and wear harsh perfume, but you shouldn't be a plain-looking simpleton either. There should be a golden mean in everything, if you manage to feel the line between sexuality and modesty, you will always be on top.
Remember the personality traits that guys want in their girls. These include mysteriousness, punctuality, literacy, accuracy, good breeding, honesty, kindness, originality, responsiveness, a sense of taste and style. If you have any talents, you shouldn't hide them either. The guys appreciate it.
Myths about girlish qualities that men like so much
The first myth is that stupid women are just socializing. In fact, this is not at all the case. The fairer sex does not want their girls to be stupid and uneducated. With such people it quickly becomes boring. If you are not distinguished by cunning and intelligence, you can hardly count on a long-term relationship.
The second myth says that bitches will never let a guy get bored. That's a moot point. Of course, next to such a girl, a guy will always feel as if he is in a minefield. But it is too difficult to find a common language with such a person, so sooner or later the guy will give up and find himself a more gentle life companion.
Also, some girls believe that guys like ladies who act like children. Yes, sometimes you want to take care of weak girls, but there is a limit to everything. If a girl is too childish, she is unlikely to be able to become a reliable support for her lover.
They say that it is easier to find a common language with relaxed girls. This is actually so, but one should not confuse looseness with licentiousness. If you act defiant in the company of your mutual friends, chances are your boyfriend will be ashamed of your behavior.
Know that men want not only sexy and attractive women, but also prefer to date interesting girls who will always find a topic for conversation and become a faithful and devoted friend.