From time immemorial, men have courted women and sought their favor, but many modern young ladies are not going to waste time waiting for their prince and begin to seek the guys they like, who are very ambiguous about such actions.

The getter instinct has not been canceled
Wanting to please a guy, some girls deliberately demonstrate their sympathy and in every possible way show signs of attention to the young man they like. This state of affairs, of course, flatters the male pride, but it does not always lead to the construction of the relationship that the girl dreams of. The thing is that a man is by nature a breadwinner, his instinct tells him that a woman needs to be fought for, she needs to be achieved, demonstrating his superiority over other applicants. If the girl gets too easy, and even more so if the girl herself runs after the guy, he does not value her too much. Overly active actions on the part of the fair sex can scare off a man altogether. Then, instead of sympathy, antipathy will come, instead of falling in love, irritation will come, and the girl in this situation will inevitably suffer.
However, there are exceptions to any rule: shy and shy guys who find it difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex, gladly accept signs of attention from girls. In this case, you won't have to chase the guy for a long time, very soon he will be yours. Although here, too, the instinct of a getter may suddenly wake up, and a young man will want to achieve another girl himself in order to raise his importance in his own eyes. Then the relationship can end as quickly as it began.
How, then, to achieve the guy you like?
If it is unlikely to fall in love with a guy running after him, then what to do, because if you do nothing at all, he may not pay attention to his admirer at all. Here it is worth remembering the many female tricks. It is not at all necessary to openly demonstrate his sympathy, it is enough to be in the right place at the right time, and he himself will take the initiative. To do this, it is worth studying his lifestyle, trying to get in touch with the people with whom he communicates, collecting as much information about him as possible.
So, for example, to please a guy who is well versed in cars, you can turn to him for help in repairing your car. He can hardly refuse a pretty girl. Further, it will be much easier to build communication. If the guy works out in the gym, sign up there too. If you are already a little familiar, then, having met there, you will probably begin to communicate closer - common interests bring closer together. The main thing is not to push and not show your sympathy too much, show interest, nothing more. And, of course, if you want to please a guy, remember that men love with their eyes - their appearance should be at their best.