After a period of romantic love, ardent passion and tenderness, any couple, sooner or later, inevitably has a decline in relations. It is this period that shows whether partners are suitable for each other for the long term, whether it makes sense to further develop relations. Perhaps the relationship has completely exhausted itself and you need to honestly admit it. What are the clear signs that the relationship is already exhausted?

- The priorities and values in life that prevailed in the candy-bouquet period have shifted significantly. The time has passed when you were the center of the Universe for each other, you could not live a day without meetings, constantly called up or wrote off. And now you have become less and less likely to meet, call. You notice that your partner or you have started to constantly have other, more important things than communication. As the saying goes, if a person wants, he looks for opportunities, if he doesn't want, he looks for a reason.
- In relationships, hopeless boredom began to reign more and more often. The two of you have become uninteresting, you have nothing to talk about, you know everything in advance. You already have nothing to surprise each other with, and most importantly, the desire to do this has disappeared. You are less and less likely to show mutual romantic attentions, say pleasant words.
- When the hormonal shock has passed, you began to understand that, apart from sex, there is practically nothing that binds you. There is no common cause, hobby, social circle … Perhaps even sex has also ceased to please, it has become commonplace and predictable.
- You are not touched, as before, by the physical or mental disabilities of your partner. Now they more and more often cause dull irritation up to rejection. The period of idealization of the partner has passed. Before you is no longer an angel, but an ordinary person who does not try to seem better and does not hide negative character traits.
- You are already uncomfortable and cold together, but parting is still scary. As long as you are held back by habit and fear that it could be even worse apart. There was a fear of being alone or that the next partner would not be worth it.