The appearance of mistrust, betrayal, abuse are some of the main signs that it makes no sense to continue the relationship. Often couples break up if one of the partners is forced to constantly sacrifice something or infringe on their interests.

After serious quarrels, the thought of parting may appear in my head. Cloudless relationships are found only in cartoons, and periodic disagreements between two loving people are the norm. Instead of doing rash things, you first need to understand whether the conflict or crisis is really serious. There are five signs by which you can conclude that it makes no sense to continue the relationship.
1. Infringement of their interests in everything
Compromise allows most difficult situations to be resolved. If both are willing to sacrifice their own relationship, it commands respect. It does not always become a panacea for all problems. If one of the parties constantly has to infringe on its own interests, this will not lead to anything good. Often the reason for this behavior is stereotyped thinking, when it is impossible to accept a partner with his character, shortcomings and weaknesses. We are looking for an idealized image.
- Infringement of interests occurs due to:
- exactingness;
- desire to fix a partner;
- dominance;
- psychological manipulation;
- impossibility of constructive dialogue.
The fulfillment of all the desires of a partner, dissolution in him and dedication leads to the fact that a sense of self-worth is lost. Such a relationship will not be able to develop for a long time, since there is no talk of love in them.
2. Lack of trust and lies
Lack of trust is a serious sign that it's time to end the relationship. If a person is unfaithful, constantly deceiving, the situation will not improve in the future. Making one mistake is often not a reason to break an alliance. This applies to cases when there is love in the family.
Mistrust arises from a person's life experience. Often times, the situations in which it appears affect relationships with other people. Betrayal cannot be forgotten. If your partner betrayed you, you are unlikely to ever forget about it. If a person does this often, then it is appropriate to ask himself two questions: how to live in a state of distrust, is it worth living like that at all.
3. Appeared in a pair of abuse
This is one of the main signs by which one can judge that a couple should think about breaking up. It is almost impossible to convince a mature and formed personality. Psychologists recommend trying to change your behavior, make the situation unpredictable for the abuser, stop looking like a victim in his eyes. However, it helps in rare cases.
A long life with such a person leads to a decrease in self-esteem and a violation of the perception of reality. A person who goes beyond what is permissible can force you to quit your favorite job or break off relations with friends and relatives. If there is a threat of physical harm, you need to leave immediately. Promises and threats of separation or divorce will not work in such a situation.
You should not "buy" into short-term lulls or ostentatious grace. This behavior after separation can provoke the victim to a truce and return to the family. However, in a few weeks, a new wave of aggression will sweep over your life.
4. You feel stressed when you are around your partner
The concept of any relationship is that there is a person nearby who would fill your surrounding space, leaving room for your interests, hobbies, hobbies. If instead of getting satisfaction from communication, you are constantly tense, no longer feel satisfaction, you should think about the causes of stress. These include:
- strong jealousy;
- financial insolvency;
- lack of satisfaction in sex;
- constant expectation of "trick" or betrayal.
You can not talk about parting in a situation when one of the reasons suddenly appeared. They often indicate a crisis in the family or couple that can be easily overcome. When these feelings manifest themselves in a complex, do not fade away for a long time, you should think about how to stop tormenting yourself.
5. The emergence of addictions that cannot be dealt with
Alcoholism, gambling and drug addiction can make life unbearable. When problems are just starting to appear, the support of a loved one will help you cope with them. Often the first moment is missed, and the person himself does not understand that he needs to fight.
When the first moment is missed, there are two ways: to accept a new addiction or to leave the relationship. Attempts to correct a partner, to guide him on the right path will only lead to conflicts. In addition, the emergence of addiction often occurs if a person is not ready to build further relationships.
There are other signs that there is no point in continuing the relationship. You may not see a joint future, indifference or boredom appeared. Each of these reasons has its own roots. Do you want to try to keep your union? You need to be ready for difficult and long work on yourself.