What If A Man Doesn't Want A Relationship

What If A Man Doesn't Want A Relationship
What If A Man Doesn't Want A Relationship

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The woman liked the man. She instinctively with all her essence felt that it was he - the one she dreamed of. But here's the bad luck: her views, hints, more and more frank, do not affect him at all. A man communicates with her, is polite and gallant, but at the same time behaves as if he does not even allow the thought of a serious relationship.

What if a man doesn't want a relationship
What if a man doesn't want a relationship


Step 1

Calm down, pull yourself together. Emotions and resentment are bad advisors in such a matter. You need logic and composure now. A man's reluctance to have a serious relationship with you can be explained by several reasons. You have to analyze them carefully.

Step 2

Sadly, you might just not be his type. Try to find out about his preferences. Of course, don't ask him such questions directly. You can, as if by chance, lead the conversation to the desired topic. Or ask mutual acquaintances, friends. Suppose you find out that he doesn't like the type of women you represent. For example, you are a slender, energetic brunette, and he is attracted by phlegmatic blondes with curvaceous forms. Then you better overpower your feelings. Think for yourself: for the sake of love, you can dye your hair, but gain extra pounds and radically break your character, temperament? This is too much! You are only making yourself ridiculous. There are enough men in the world who can appreciate and love you.

Step 3

In addition, it is possible that some of your habits, manners, character traits are unpleasant to him, repulsive. If you are attractive to a man, but something stops him, try to look at yourself from the outside, change for the better. Ask your relatives, friends, good acquaintances to tell frankly what in your manners, behavior, they like and what they don't like. Treat their opinion carefully, without any insults or claims, draw the necessary conclusions, correct your behavior. Try to smile more often, restrain negative emotions. It is possible that then soon this man will show a clear interest in you, and he will begin to hint at a serious relationship.

Step 4

Finally, he may simply turn out to be an egoist who thinks too highly of his person, and looks down on you, considering not his equal. Such men are not worth the love and effort. Thank fate for not responding to your impulse. Otherwise, almost certainly your romance would only bring you bitter disappointment.
