No matter what they say about female friendship, one thing is clear - it exists. Whoever is lucky enough to find out what a real friend is can only be envied, because often she becomes the closest person on whom you can always rely, who will listen and understand, and will help in difficult times. How do you know that a friend is a real friend, without conditions and discounts? There are twelve signs of a true girlfriend.

1. A friend will always find time for you. Even if you call her at a time when her husband is waiting for dinner, milk runs away, and the youngest son asks for help with homework. Even at such a moment, she will find at least a few minutes to listen to you, joke, give good advice and say that you are beautiful and clever.
2. A real friend behind your back will not gossip and will not retell gossip about you, looking into your eyes with sadistic pleasure.
3. She always listens with interest to your stories and complaints about your personal life, supports you when you feel bad and is sincerely happy if you feel good. And from her life she makes no secrets for you.
4. If you need help, a faithful friend will come at night. Or he will find those who will come and help.
5. She's great to go shopping with because she won't cheat on you. If the skirt you are measuring visually shortens your legs and does not fit well, she will tell you so. And if you are just a beauty in one or another outfit, rest assured, she will not remain silent either.
6. If a friend is really real, then she will never beat off men with you. Will not flirt with them, flirt with them, meet. Otherwise, she is no friend, much less the best.
7. A true friend will defend you in disputes. Even if you are wrong. She will tell you everything later, without strangers, alone. But before others will always be your lawyer.
8. She does not force you to lie and does not lie herself. Honest and trusting relationship with a real friend.
9. With her, you can talk about everything for hours - about a new movie, read books, a store, old friends or a new diet.
10. The best friend will not hide you from her other acquaintances, but will gladly invite you to her company, to a party. And she will not be jealous if you make friends with one of her friends.
11. A real friend will not manipulate you, use for any of their own purposes, weave various intrigues with your participation.
12. Only your best friend will honestly tell you the secret of her signature recipe. Only you. And no one else.