Readers are offered a rather detailed instruction that teaches them to stay among strangers, make acquaintances with any people, and be always ready for a new life experience. The article talks about some of the non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures, touch, the location of the interlocutors.

It is necessary
- 1. Own experience
- 2. Knowledge of psychology
- 3. Knowledge of the rules of etiquette and good manners
- 4. Knowledge of non-verbal language
- 5. Ability to make a pleasant impression
Step 1
Nowadays, it is very important to be a pleasant person for everyone - from the apartment cleaner to the head of the company where we work. After all, it is not known what circumstances may develop at this or that moment of our life, and what people can play the main role in it. In order to be a pleasant person for different people, there are some rules that you need to try to follow everywhere and always.
If you are going to a meeting with the person you will see for the first time in your life, remember that the first impression is the most important thing. Make a good impression immediately. At the first meeting, try to be a good listener rather than a good speaker. Make it a rule to always be in a good mood and smile more often. It makes a good impression on other people.
Step 2
Don't underestimate non-verbal communication. When shaking hands, try to look into the other person's eyes for at least 6 seconds. The handshake should not be strong. It is best to maintain a relaxed expression, smile, and lean forward a little. Respect the other person's personal space. When talking to a person, you shouldn't get too close to them, unless they are a friend or close relative. Try not to stand in the presence of seated people. The person you want to connect with may feel that you intend to dominate your relationship, which many may not like. When talking with another person, try not to touch your face.
Step 3
Remember that your appearance can affect others, both positively and negatively. Try to work on your style. Notice how successful people use their appearance and follow their example. Try not to wear tinted glasses. If you want to look like a welcoming and friendly person, wear glasses that do not stand out on your face, and best of all, lenses.
Step 4
Finally, don't forget the good manners. Once you have made an appointment with another person, try not to be late. If the delay does occur, then you must have a good reason for this. Try not to overload the other person with your harsh judgments about a particular subject.