If you want to please your lover by sending an SMS message, tell him about your feelings, thank him for the meeting, or share your thoughts about him.

I think of you
Any person is pleased to know that someone is not indifferent to him, and the male half of the population is no less curious and vulnerable in this than the female. Therefore, in order to make your beloved pleasant, just let him know that your thoughts are occupied by his person. It can be a short “I’m thinking of you” or a more detailed message that every minute of your day is accompanied by thoughts of him. You can just wish him good night or good morning. Having received such an SMS, the guy will thereby receive confirmation of what you like, and this, in turn, will improve his mood and brighten up the rest of the day.
Meeting Reminder
Let your boyfriend know that you miss him and are looking forward to meeting him. It is not necessary to say directly that you are counting the seconds until you see each other again. You can send an unobtrusive reminder of the time, for example, "Today at 20:00, do not be late" or a humorous text message "For every minute you are late tonight, kiss you." It doesn't matter what the content of the message will be - the main thing is that your boyfriend understands that meeting him has special meaning for you.
Thanks for the time spent together
Any guy will be pleased if you thank him for any actions or deeds, and when a girl says “Thank you” just for the time spent together, this will not leave indifferent any male representative. After the next date, write thanks in an SMS message, express how good you were together. For example, "I felt good with you", "Thank you for this evening, I look forward to the next meeting", "Time with you defies reasonable description, it was incredible." Do not be afraid to give thanks when you feel in your heart that sincerity is always pleasant.
Declaration of love
If your relationship has reached the level where you are ready to confess your love or have already done so, feel free to write three cherished words in an SMS message. Even if the guy already knows about your feelings, every reminder of them will delight him. You can send a short "I love you", or you can resort to the works of poets, send quotes from songs, famous aphorisms about love. Express your love in all ways available to you, trying to make each of them special, and then your beloved himself will look forward to the next message.