The relationship between a man and a woman began to change over time. If before the guys were more decisive, now, in order to gain the attention of the stronger sex, girls have to take the initiative into their own hands.

If you want a guy to like you, you have to remember that men appreciate real and sincere girls. To draw attention to herself, the girl does not need to wear provocative makeup and wear revealing outfits. Remember that vulgarity repels the stronger sex. Some ladies believe that men are simply afraid of beautiful women, but this is not at all the case. The problem is not women's beauty, but their demeanor. Pay attention to how modern beauties behave. Loud laughter, sharp jokes, excessive bombast. All this is superfluous.
In order for the guy to pay attention to you, act naturally. Speak calmly and naturally. Laugh at men's jokes, but don't cross the line between lightness, fun, and vulgarity.
When it comes to looks, try to stick to classic clothing styles. When going on a date, opt for a romantic look. Wear high heels, a mid-length skirt, and a delicate blouse. It is better to refuse a deep neckline. Guys don't value accessibility, they choose a goal that needs to be achieved.
When applying makeup, use only mascara and lip gloss. Do not forget that bright eyeshadow and lipstick are only suitable for evening make-up.