If a person is sociable and open, he does not need help in getting to know others. He is always surrounded by a huge number of friends and acquaintances. If a person is quiet, modest, shy by nature, then it is very difficult for him to gain courage and speak with a stranger. Such people may need the help of a loved one to get to know others.

Step 1
If you want to introduce people for business communication, you can arrange a meeting at the office. Before that, tell your colleague what this company is doing, in what kind of cooperation you are interested. List the names and titles of the people who will be present at the meeting.
Step 2
Before starting negotiations, introduce the interlocutors to each other, indicating the surname, name and position. If the negotiations were successful and you want to translate the communication into a friendly channel, you can continue the meeting in a cafe or restaurant. This is conducive to a more open, informal conversation.
Step 3
If you are planning to introduce people for romantic purposes, to play the role of a matchmaker, you need to act more subtly. Make sure that both bride and groom candidates are in the same company. It is better if all other people are in pairs. Then they will have no options but to communicate with each other.
Step 4
Your task is to introduce a man to a woman and strike up a conversation. And then, if your friends find common topics, your participation will not be required.
Step 5
If the interlocutors are shy, stay with them for a while. The presence of a familiar person betrays self-confidence, allows you to appeal to him, ask for support. If the role of a matchmaker succeeds, your labors will be rewarded with a happy marriage of people you like each other.
Step 6
When meeting, remember that the younger person is introduced to the older, the subordinate - to the boss, the man - to the woman. You should not stretch out your hand to a woman when you meet. If she sees fit, she will do it herself.
Step 7
A friendly acquaintance implies voicing a name, for older people - a name and patronymic. When making business acquaintances, be sure to indicate the position, surname and first name of the person. Also, it will not be superfluous to outline the scope of his duties.