Elderly women, as a rule, have long-established views and values, do not like big changes in their lives, as they adapt poorly to them, prefer the proven old to everything new. Therefore, persuading grandmothers to do something serious often becomes a problem.

Step 1
Before you start persuading, think about the relationship with your grandmother. If you live with her in perfect harmony, regularly pay attention to her - your persuasion are doomed to success. It will be difficult for a kind old woman to refuse her beloved grandson or beloved granddaughter. If your relationship has left a lot to be desired lately, start working in this direction.
Step 2
Inwardly, forgive your grandmother for all the insults and injustices that were once between you. Then sincerely ask her for forgiveness. Tell her how you love her, hug her and kiss her. Have a confidential conversation with her. Do not start persuasion immediately, but after a week or two. The relationship should be strengthened, the ice should melt, and your sincerity should leave no doubt. Remember, if the grandmother subsequently succumbs to persuasion, and you again begin to treat her coldly, she will be offended, and it will be difficult to experience deception.
Step 3
When persuading, use the power of persuasion, not coercion. Clearly and intelligibly explain to her the essence of what you are going to do, the reasons that prompted you to do this. Explain to her that her consent is important. Tell her about all the positive aspects of your idea and threaten negative. For example, if you persuade your grandmother to throw out the trash, threaten that moths, cockroaches, flies and mice will start. Act slowly, slowly, with persuasion, explanations and gifts. Sometimes a non-standard and unexpected idea helps a lot. For example, if your grandmother refuses to take pills, threaten not to eat.
Step 4
If you need to persuade your grandmother to do something serious, such as moving, seek help from an authority figure. For most grandmothers, the authorities are elderly people like her, girlfriends and neighbors, doctors. If you enlist their help, your chances of success will skyrocket. On the other hand, you will have to use your communication, friendliness, and persuasion skills to the fullest to win over a stranger to help you.