Being the grandmother of today's grandchildren is not easy at all. The Soviet methods of upbringing and care are a thing of the past, and you have not yet had the need to follow new trends. Therefore, you need to carefully look at innovations and recognize that civilization in matters of motherhood and childhood has made great strides forward.

Distribution of roles
Even during pregnancy, negotiate with your children how much they need your help. Perhaps they want to educate themselves, and only rare visits are needed from you. Or the kids want too much of you financially or nurturingly. Remember that you have already fulfilled your parental duty and do not owe anything to anyone.
Accept progress
No matter how frightened your acquaintances and girlfriends with horrors about modern children's remedies and mixtures, try to accept that everything is different now. Although baby food is slightly worse than breast milk, be calm about the recommendations of modern pediatricians, which young parents adhere to. For example, several years ago it was recognized that it is better to give up tight swaddling. Do not be afraid that the baby will get scratched, there are special gloves for this. And if a young mother refuses advice, listen to her reasons. There is no need to conflict, parents will do everything in their own way anyway. Electric swings, car seats, bassinets - treat this as a nice bonus in raising grandchildren.
Don't try to compete with another grandmother for parenting. Remember that she has the same right to interact with your baby as you do. With such conflicts, you will only upset the child, who will be ashamed of the love of a less authoritative grandmother.
Do not go against the principles of parenting. Always stick to one line. If mom forbids eating chocolate, don't contradict. First, it undermines the authority of the parents. Second, you let your child know that you can be manipulated. Well, and most importantly, as a result of such upbringing, he will not obey anyone at all, skillfully deceiving both those and others.
Learn to understand the child. If you don't like something about your grandson's behavior, criticize him delicately. Try to be his friend, not a strict overseer. Mutual understanding will help you out with your baby more than once.
Try to be aware of what your grandson is interested in. Of course, there is no need to delve into the intricacies of computer games. But try to at least understand why this or that occupation is important for him. Try to help the child in his endless opposition to the adult world. Go to meet where it does not violate serious boundaries. For example, buy a ticket to a popular movie, take him to a bowling, give money for a gift to a girl. Often, grandmothers provide their grandchildren with financial assistance, and there is nothing wrong with that. But remember that over-indulgence is not good for your child.