Every person needs to love their dad. This is especially important for women, because with the attitude towards the dad in women, the attitude towards all other men begins. And if in this area there are resentments, misunderstandings and other negative emotions, then there will be problems with men in a woman's life. Therefore, you need to let go of all insults and learn to love dad.

Step 1
The first thing to start with is to write on paper all your grievances against your dad, all the cases when he did not act the way you expected him to. If you are overwhelmed with emotions, do not push them deep inside, it is better to sit and cry.
Step 2
Now, on the second sheet of paper, write down any hurt you might have caused him. It will be dozens of times more difficult to do, because you have never even thought that he could be offended by some of your actions. Or they did something because they were offended by him. However, the reasons are not important now - just make this list. Spend a few days doing this if necessary.
Step 3
When the list is complete, take these two lists and read. Perhaps you will understand a lot when you read these two texts. If you conclude that not only him, but you were the cause of your quarrels, this is already a big step towards learning to love your dad.
Step 4
If comparing the lists did not work and the resentment remained, think of your dad not as a person who offends you, but as a child. Think about his parents, environment, upbringing. Perhaps you will understand that your dad didn’t make himself the way you don’t like him - maybe too strict, categorical, harsh, etc. It's just that he was brought up that way, and he can no longer change.
Step 5
Write down your dad's positive qualities on a piece of paper, from the largest to the smallest. Re-read the list at least once a day, and very soon you will see that your attitude towards it has changed radically.
Step 6
Tell your dad more often that you love him, despite all your resentments. These three words can change the biggest misunderstanding of many years.