After the ban on gambling in Russia came into force, it became easier to fight gambling addiction. But this is only at first glance … In reality, it was not possible to solve the problem, because the so-called clubs "of interest" remained, skillfully disguised their activities, as well as online casinos. How can you help overcome addiction to slot machines?

Step 1
Find the root of the problem. This will be the first step towards getting rid of gambling addiction. If a person regularly spends his free time at the machines, it is not yet a sign of illness. This is akin to a hobby like fishing or collecting. But it is not customary to get rid of such hobbies. But if immersion in the gameplay develops into something more than just a pleasant pastime, then you should think about weaning from this bad habit. It is necessary to talk about addiction when the time of the game session exceeds 4 hours, subject to daily visits to thematic sites or clubs. Of course, if the game becomes one of the priorities of life, a source of constant family conflicts, or a means to drain all the money, then the disease is obvious. And we have to fight with him.
Step 2
Identify the form of manifestation of addiction. The course of "treatment" will depend on this. There are free and paid slot machines, as a rule, immersion in the virtual world of gambling almost always occurs through an innocent passion for gambling. But if a person does not stop, then in almost 100% of cases it becomes a real source of ruin. And the second stage is much worse than the first.
Step 3
Find other hobbies. Reevaluation of priorities, the choice of a different, alternative hobby can "cure" free slot machines. If a person with such an addiction has a penchant for creative self-expression, then it can become that very magic pill. For example, a “patient” dreams of painting, but that time was always lacking, or there was simply “no reason”. In this case, you can discuss this option with him, sign up for specialized courses. In a word, redirect energy in a different direction.
Step 4
Use logic and common sense, and avoid overexposure. If the gambling activity leads to a serious gap in the family budget, you need to make it clear that the game is not worth the candle. To do this, you need to sit down with a person suffering from addiction at one table and calculate the amount of money invested and received as a prize, assess the profitability of such activities. The conversation should not be based on emotions, facts will work much better. If a person is adequate, then as soon as he weighs all the pros and cons, looks at income and expenses, then he himself will soon tie up with this dependence. But all slot machines are set up to make a profit for the casino, so they cannot be a way of making money.
Step 5
Do not under any circumstances prohibit playing, and there you no longer blackmail anything! From this hobby will not go anywhere, but will hide in every possible way. And if a loved one spends more time at slot machines than in a family, then they are a kind of outlet for him. Probably, he is repulsed by something at home, so he strives to be in it as little as possible. And constant reproaches about the game and threats will only aggravate the situation.