Signs that a relationship has become obsolete appear long before the breakup. The first calls are indifference to a partner, non-participation in his life, refusal to meet due to severe fatigue or employment, etc.

Step 1
Analyze how you feel when you see your partner. If you find that you no longer have an interest in each other, the relationship is likely to end. Do the same if only one of the couple has stopped loving. Let go even against your own feelings. It is possible to force a person to be near, but to return the former warmth is not.
Step 2
Remember the last time you saw each other. Do you want to be together? If not, then this is a fairly obvious sign that you no longer want to date. If this is not a temporary phenomenon and the state of alienation did not arise after a quarrel, but became the norm, it is better to break off such a relationship. Or they themselves will grow into friendships, and then friendships. You can not be lovers, staying good friends and helping each other in everything. But this scenario is possible only if none of the parties has any claims to the partner. Otherwise, parting without a scandal is unlikely to work.
Step 3
Pay attention to the behavior of the other half. It is possible that a new, parallel relationship has begun. And they have been going on for quite some time now. Here it is not worth hoping for the restoration of peace in a pair. Even if your partner chooses you, it will be very difficult to forget the offense. Misunderstanding and mistrust will arise, which will break the union anyway. You can put up with a fleeting affair, but a long-term relationship on the side is the reason for the breakup of many marriages.
Step 4
Stop putting up with disrespect from your partner. Especially if he is not seeking forgiveness. Or indifferent to common problems. Raised his hand to you and constantly raises his voice. Dodges discussion of far-reaching plans. He goes on vacation alone, spends weekends and free evenings with friends. Doesn't want to show up in front of your parents. All these are signs that the other half is not interested, does not call, consider yourself free for a new love.
Step 5
Don't confuse a temporary chill in a relationship with an upcoming breakup. Even in loving couples, crises happen. So don't chop off the shoulder. Talk to your partner to find out what is bothering him. Only then make your final decision. Perhaps the person is simply tired, he has depression, everything falls out of hand. Then help him, provide moral support. Such tests only strengthen the union, making it strong and durable.