People feel sympathy for each other, start dating and fall in love with each other. Why do so many romantic relationships lead to painful breakups? This is often due to the fact that a couple in love does not understand what is important in a relationship, and what can be easily “closed” eyes.

What is important in any relationship
In the relationship between a man and a woman, external attractiveness is important. If you don't like a person outwardly, you are unlikely to be able to build a strong relationship with him.
Unfortunately, sympathy alone is not enough as people move on to the more serious stage of the relationship. Further, the character of the partner plays an important role. The chosen one should be able to make concessions to you, but you will also have to learn to concede to him in something.
No love relationship can last long without trust. You not only have to trust each other, but also always tell only the truth, because sooner or later a lie will surface and destroy even the strongest relationship.
No matter how much you love your chosen one, do not take away his freedom. Do not press on him, do not fill his whole life with yourself. Do not be offended if he spends part of his free time not on you, but on his favorite business. Allow him to be himself, because if you take away his personal space, he will slowly begin to fade.
Of course, true love cannot exist in betrayal. Loyalty is also one of the main ingredients of a good relationship.
We must not forget about the intimate relationship between a couple in love. Sex shows how compatible you are. If you feel bad with your loved one in bed, sooner or later this negative will spill over into other areas of your relationship.
Money is also very important if a couple decides to tie themselves into family ties. Lack of livelihood leads to constant reproaches and even hatred towards each other. But money in a relationship is in last place, since you can always earn it if you wish.
How to understand what's important in your relationship
Each person is individual, which means that each love affair is unique in its own way, no two are alike. What is important to some people is not at all important to others.
To understand what is most important in your relationship with the chosen one, you must be able to feel his needs and desires. And this requires true love. It is love that always comes first.
Watch your loved one, learn to listen to him. Over time, you will understand exactly what he wants from you. For example, some men dream that their women are caring, others - attentive to all the little things, and still others it is important that the woman is just cheerful and positive.
Be that as it may, do not forget about yourself. Remember that you must not only give, but receive in return. Talk to each other more, look for common interests, and you will definitely succeed.