Women perceive parting with a loved one as a great tragedy, especially if the relationship has been long. With the departure of a man, the familiar world collapses, everything around fades and plunges into darkness, fate is unfair, and life is over. In fact, everything is not so scary, you just need to get out of this state and start a new life.

Step 1
Most importantly, do not try to suppress your suffering - you need to cry it out, so cry as much as you want. The more you control the pain, the longer it will last.
Step 2
Remember all the good things that happened between you and your beloved man. The relationship ended, but it brought you happiness and joy, so treat it as a life experience from which you learned a lesson.
Step 3
Do not try to identify the cause of the rupture in yourself: most likely, your extra 3 kilograms or a wrinkle on the bridge of your nose has nothing to do with it. This happens when love and passion pass, and a stronger feeling does not arise in their place.
Step 4
Think not only of what you have lost, but also what you gained with the departure of the man. You have more time for yourself, communication with friends, your own hobbies, finally, for new meetings. Don't sit alone, spend more time in companies, meet new people. Plan your time so that you are as little alone as possible.
Step 5
If possible, avoid meeting with your man, they can bring unnecessary suffering. Do not call or write to him, and most importantly, do not try to return him. If the departure of your loved one is a temporary phenomenon, then he will return on his own, but if you are not in his plans for life, you cannot do anything, only you will lose time and face. Let him go in peace and start living in a new way.
Step 6
In such cases, women's magazines and TV shows are advised to change the image, make a new hairstyle, pick up interesting makeup, update your wardrobe, do fitness, etc. These tips are good, but on condition that you do all of the above exclusively for yourself, and not in order to try to return the man.
Step 7
For the time it takes you to return to normal life, remove objects that remind you of your loved one out of sight: photographs, gifts, postcards, etc. Of course, you can throw it all away, but only if you do not regret it later.
Step 8
Immerse yourself headlong in work, come up with a new interesting activity, for example, learn Italian. Make yourself a to-do list for the year: read Dostoevsky's collected works, learn to play the guitar, cook all the dishes from a cookbook, watch all Spielberg's films - it all depends on your imagination.
Step 9
Think positively: your beloved man did not leave you, he made room for a person who will give you true love and happiness. Take as your motto the formula proposed by the psychologist V. Levy: "It's good with you, it's not bad without you" or "It's good with you, but it's even better without you!"